The thing about Fear

Onwards and Upwards No. 36

Hello my healing team,

I hope this update finds you well.

Watching and reading the news, and with some of the trending story’s on social media, it is pretty clear to see that Fear is prominent in our society.  I understand fear. Especially when it results in people fleeing their home. But much of the time it is propagated by power brokers or institutions, all looking to use fear in order to gain votes, air time and / or an increased income.

Now I am no stranger to fear.  It’s fair to say I completely cacked my dax the day that I was told that I had a terminal blood cancer.  Nothing that I have experienced induced more fear than being told that I only had a few years to live …………. although there was that one time when I nearly forgot mine and Sarah’s anniversary.

Fear is our inbuilt safety mechanism. It protects us in times of danger, but at its worst it is negative in so many ways. As it manifests, it can manipulate and modify behaviour, it can stun and cripple. It can drive some to participate in unthinkable acts, it can drive others to spend. Some respond by withdrawing, others respond by lashing out in aggression. Left unchecked, ultimately it can be terminal.

Fear comes in several forms. There is Logical Fear, where you have all of the information and fear is induced by the fact of your circumstance (those fleeing wars). Illogical Fear is where you feel fear in the absence of credible information, or due to misinformation. This circumstance is often propagated by others so that they can manipulate and control you for their own gain. Then there is Gut Fear, where you assess the information around you and rely on your instinct for answers.

In the few instances in my life where I have been gripped by fear, I didn’t turn my back, I faced it. In considering how I respond to my fears, I also acknowledge that others have experienced fears far more grave than mine. For me, if fear is based on misinformation, hear say, shared rumour, or if I just don’t know enough about it, then I research. I feel that if I understand it, then I know how to respond to it.  If with research, it becomes a Logical Fear, well founded and legitimate, I engage with it to disarm it.  However, most often, my research dispels fear.  If I work hard to understand it, I know I will learn to control it instead of it controlling me.  When I can control it, I can use it, it will become my strength instead of my disability.  I will kill that fear, I will kill it with kindness and banish it.

I chose this topic given that fear is so prevalent and can be used as a tool to gain power. This use of fear is just sad, especially when you appreciate the circumstances of those who live in unsafe environments, those who’s fears are Logical.  If fear is left unchecked, it has so many negative potential outcomes. Do you know your fears? Are they Logical or Illogical?  Can you control those fears or are they controlling you?  Do they manifest as your strength or your disability?

Take care


Author: Geoff Nyssen

As a cancer fighter, I inspire others towards empowerment, wellness and deliberate living.

3 thoughts on “The thing about Fear”

  1. Great article. It scares me how many people live in fear. If you take time to grow and empower yourself, fear doesn’t control you. I choose not to live in fear I steer away from news, radio and similar media sources that create fear. Well saidgeoff.

  2. Onya Geoff – I remember being taught in Toastmasters that “butterlfies in stomach” was OK – almost a natural instinct – for example, before a public speaking presentation. I believe this fear concept can come partially from your upbringing so we have to manage this especially whilst raising our kids (for those that have kids) but generally being upbeat and letting them know that they are safe with family and friends that love them, etc – when this occurs, they will hopefully deal with the sometimes negative environment (including media, etc) around them – speak soon – E

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