Like a boomerang

Onwards and Upwards No. 37

Hello my healing team,

I hope this update finds you well.

Well straight into it……… like a boomerang, it’s back. My last results in May found that my cancer was 5% in my bone marrow and had reached a steady state with several consecutive results all being in the same range. I was hopeful. Now, just four months later, it is at 25% which is the same level as when I was diagnosed. Ouch 🙁.

So where to from here?? I had a lengthy 13 min discussion with my haematologist, the Nutty Professor, where he explained that my results had gone to poo, it was time to act now, and the best option for me was to start treatment comprising of;
– Starting in the next two weeks, complete three months of intense chemotherapy where I have to inject myself with drugs on a weekly basis that destroy the cancer cells, but also randomly destroy other cells within my body.
– In January 2017, I have to complete an autologous stem cell transplant where I receive my own stem cells back after receiving high dose chemo. This is the same process I went through in August 2014, where I spent 3 weeks in hospital, was administered with roughly 20 different drugs to help me cope with the chemo that they put in, and it took me 6 months to recover from. I also lost my hair……. I know!!
– In April 2017 (all going well), I am scheduled for a allogenic stem cell transplant. This is where I get my brothers stem cells introduced so that his immune system will replace mine. This will take me 12 months to recover from. The only thing I have to say about this is…….stats indicate that 13-20% people die from the procedure. Enough said.

I am submitting myself to all of these awful treatments so that I can live, and here is the kicker, for another 5-7 years (according to statistics). It just sucks! I reflect on all of the things I have been doing to embrace wellness, live deliberately and give. I know it is worth while, I know it is the right thing to do, I know I will keep doing it…………. But in the absence of meaningful, long term progress, it does hurt.

If that read as though I was wingeing a little. Apologies. Maybe I was. But it is a pretty shitty reality.

So here I am. I am working to get my head around the size of the mountain that my family and I have to climb. I take a deep breath and ponder how I will navigate the path. I am encouraged by the fact that I have so many supportive people around me that will rally. I am encouraged by the fact that there are many people that have walked the same path and they have faired well, so well in fact that they defy the stats and are smashing it. They live with determination and hope. I will do the same.

I will continue to embrace wellness. I will continue to live deliberately. I will continue to give. It’s just what I do.

A reality check. According to WHO stats, 50% of people will get cancer. 33% of cancers are preventable. Embrace wellness. Live deliberately. Give.

Take care



Author: Geoff Nyssen

As a cancer fighter, I inspire others towards empowerment, wellness and deliberate living.

15 thoughts on “Like a boomerang”

  1. Hi Geoff, I am so sorry to hear that news. I don’t know why it is that such a horrible thing could happen to such a lovely person. I think you are amazing and inspiring for staying so positive. You have certainly inspired us to try to eat more cleanly and just generally appreciate life. We are thinking of you and praying for you. Connie xxxx

  2. Sad to hear, but yes you are a trooper and will solider on through.
    My thoughts and well wishes go out to you and all your family

  3. We are with you Geoff. It’s a mountain to climb but you’ve proven you’ve got the headspace to do it. The good thing about boomerangs is you get to throw them again – and in my experience they don’t always come back.

  4. Hi Geoff,
    That’s tough news, but glad to hear that you’re still in there fighting. Good luck with the stem cell transplant….a friend had it about 15 years ago – like going to hell and back – but he’s all well now.
    Ian Round

  5. It’s hard to find words to express how crappy this is. And to still have the energy and drive to give back to others in your situation is superhuman. If only there was a cancer karma bus you’d have a front row seat out of there. Lee and I always have thoughts with you and your family x

  6. Tough news Geoff, but you will be one of the ones that smash it. Hopefully there will be great pokemon at the hospital.

  7. hi Geoff,
    I so enjoy reading your posts and had my heart in my mouth when I saw the heading of this one. Enough said – as you say, meet it head on and I will be sending prayers and positive thoughts your way.
    Take care

  8. This is a shitty blow Geoff. My cousin is going through a very similar battle.
    I know this probably sounds trite but if anyone can come up on the good side of the stats – it’s you and people like you.
    Mum always says, where there is life, there is hope. I truly believe that.

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