The Value of Vulnerability

Onwards and Upwards No. 35

Hello my healing team,

I hope this update finds you well.

This week I went to Perth to deliver my presentation to a fantastic group of work colleagues and friends.  The process has me on planes and in hotels and takes me away from home for a few days.  I reflect on why I leave home to deliver these presentations. Further, why do I write blogs, do podcasts and engage the way that I do??  In most of these undertakings, I am just talking about myself. But to what end??

You would be forgiven for suggesting that it was only to feed my own narcissistic needs. Whilst I certainly get a lot out of the experience, there is more to it than narcissism.  In sharing like I do, I choose to make myself vulnerable, so l don’t think it is just all about me.  I think I have experienced a lot, and especially of the past few years, I have learnt a lot.  On this basis, I think I have something to share.  I try hard not to push my ideas and ideals onto anyone else. More, I want to share what I’m learning because for the most part, I think it is worthwhile.  I share hoping that through my experiences, you may reflect on you, looking for an improved outcome.

When I write and present, I try to be honest and authentic. I make myself vulnerable to those who read and listen.  In doing so, I hope to target that vulnerable place in your heart. That place where all facades are dropped and all pretences are put aside. It is at that moment that you are listening to what I am saying, and honestly reflecting on things you can do to improve your life outcome for yourself and for those around you.  It is at that point, when we are both vulnerable, that the decision for real change can and will occur. It is at that point that the benefits for you, me and those around us will materialise.

There is a big upside to vulnerability. Embrace it with me.

Take care


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Author: Geoff Nyssen

As a cancer fighter, I inspire others towards empowerment, wellness and deliberate living.

3 thoughts on “The Value of Vulnerability”

  1. Yep naturally not everyone is comfortable with vulnerability as it requires sharing of your true self…very special and worthwhile when it does happen though within relationships.

  2. You definitely make me think about how I am living my life and how I want to get more out of it now. You make me stop worrying about the small things and just be happy. Thanks Geoff.

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