Positivity Vs Belief

Onwards and Upwards No. 31

Hello my healing team,

I hope this update finds you well.

As I navigate my cancer journey, and reach out to people as I do, I often encounter people who say to me “you are so positive” and go on to describe how “being positive helps you overcome your disease”.  For me, it is nice to receive the compliment and it’s nice to see that others recognise my forward looking approach to life. However, when I think about positivity, it’s not all that it is made out to be. In my opinion, positivity can be a facade. You can easily exude positivity in front of others, and they will believe it, especially if they don’t know you well. You can wear positivity like a jacket, only for it to be stripped away when you are by yourself and vulnerable to the negative voices in your head.  On this basis, I wonder how beneficial positivity really is?? Whilst I acknowledge that being positive helps, will it really help me overcome my disease?  I don’t think it will………

Belief is what I rely on to get me over the line.  Belief is not a facade for others. It is within your core. It is part of you that can be tested, but not easily stripped away. If you truly believe, whilst the demons are screaming at you in your head, you can be unwavering in striving towards your goal. So what do I believe??

  • I believe that I am doing the things necessary to help my mind and my body to fight cancer.
  • I believe that I have the right people around me to provide love, support, sage advice and knowledge.
  • I believe that I can overcome the challenges that come before me.
  • I believe that I will live deliberately, achieve my goals and complete my bucket list items (only to make another bucket list).
  • I believe that I will live into my 80s.

Belief by definition is the acceptance that something exists or is true, especially without proof.  I have acceptance that I will overcome my disease, even though there is no definitive proof.  In time, I will be the proof.

Do you believe you will achieve your goals??

Take care



Author: Geoff Nyssen

As a cancer fighter, I inspire others towards empowerment, wellness and deliberate living.

5 thoughts on “Positivity Vs Belief”

  1. Geoff, I, for one, believe in the power of positivity.

    I firmly believe that life is 10% what happens and 90% how you deal with it.

    [I come from a long line of very dour Scots. I have family whose bywords in response to the dreams and aspirations of kids, family and friends are, “Oh no.. they will never let you do that”, …without ever specifying who “they” actually are. ]

    Every day I can chose to smile or choose to frown. I can choose to be offended or not be offended by the actions of others. I can choose to be amazed or not amazed at the world around me.

    I am blessed with a positive view of that world, to the extent that if I am asked whether my glass is half full or half empty my response is,

    “…who cares, …..at least I have a glass!!” 🙂

  2. Amazing words Geoff, and so true! I too hide behind a positive facade, and people are sometimes surprised when I am brave enough to say “I am not doing so well today actually!”
    Thank you, as always for your words.

  3. Like your job Geoff when you are speaking to your clients, taking on a job, writing report, etc – you back yourself based on your studies, your experience and/or the team around you, etc – well done, keep going, right behind your mate

  4. Really interesting distinction Geoff, between positivity and belief. I think we often confuse the two, or at least use a definition that blurs them.

    I agree with your description above, in that positivity can be an external mask and that belief is a foundation that makes the best of a positive mindset.

    An illustration of this might be picking up on the analogy you often hear about being confident enough to expose your weakness, trying use use that formula, having sufficient belief to underpin a positive mindset when presented with uncertainty.

    Like the fancy new website, equally delighted that I receive a reminder email when you add a new post.

    One last football related comment I have a positive mindset towards Richmond footy club, but I’m losing a little belief right now, it’s more about belonging and enjoying the journey than success!

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