Nyssen version 4.0 – A Review

Onwards and Upwards No. 5

Hello my healing team,

I hope this update finds you well.

So I am not the only one willing to write about me.  My neighbour and kind friend Steve has pulled together a witty and funny update summarising my last 12 months, my 40th birthday year.  I thought you would enjoy it as much as I did! I have also added a few photos of our travels this week.


Nyssen version 4.0 – A Review

Looking back on the year 2014, the Nyssen version 4.0 has had an annus horribilis. All started swimmingly in January of this year, with the much talked about and anticipated launch from the ever stable 3.9 to 4.0 on the 25th January. With all the previous versions, the signs were there, that this should have be another great year. After all, an earlier version had gone through a successful merger with Sarah and had the spinoff of two champion hybrids, with excellent potential, namely the Riley and Georgina. This blossoming company was rock solid and had moved to new premises, which had recently had fantastic upgrades. What could possibly go wrong?

Some industry veterans had warnings that for no apparent reason, things can take a slight downhill trip when version 4.0 is launched. This was to be largely ignored, as it was believed to mumbo jumbo not built on fact.

However, a slight glitch in the system did emerge with the hardware, during the first quarter of 2014. It was seen as something easily fixable, with a quick road to recovery. On further prudent investigations, the situation was diagnosed as dire, as an inexplicable and aggressive bug had crept into the system and had replicated exponentially. It was showing signs of destroying the platform and rendering the software and hardware to obsolescence. This was a deadly serious catastrophe, and something had to be done fast, very fast, before it spiraled out of control.

Industry experts were consulted in rapid succession, and with a cool, calm plan of attack, an aggressive counter campaign was launched, to rid the system of this unwanted house guest. Version 4.0 was temporarily withdrawn from the market for the rest of the year and the race was on, to save it and get it back into operation….or face consequences no one wanted to contemplate. The strain was palpable and the effect on those close by was devastating and distressing to see.

During the majority of 2014, Nyssen 4.0 was subject to intensive therapy and received brilliant inputs from the industry‘s best, like the Nan. Slowly but surely the Nyssen showed promising signs that the bugs had all been detected, quarantined and relegated to the trash heap, where they belonged. By early November 2014, independent audits had confirmed the news everyone was holding their breath for; the Nyssen 4.0 had made a full recovery. This exciting news was made available in a series of media releases and an in depth radio feature.

All is now set for Nyssen to be re launched in January 2015 with version 4.1.

So what can we expect of Nyssen 4.1 in 2015 which is different? For one, the hardware will be 10% lighter and aerodynamically streamlined, with a very smooth and rounded top end finish. The software will not have lost its razor sharp, intelligent and quick personable features, and will be as user friendly as ever. Some say the software will be the best ever, time will tell?

Back at Nyssen HQ in Mt Eliza, the Nyssen 4.1 will continue to be the flagship of the Nyssen Group. A change in direction will see Nyssen be used more recreationally on weekend’s home and away. Much needed retreats and sabbaticals will now be an emphasis, to ensure a healthy balance. This has been a nightmare experience at Nyssen HQ and all credit to Sarah for keeping the Group together. It speaks volumes for the quality and selfless dedication, one would be hard pressed to find elsewhere.

A weary and vigilant gatekeeper will reduce the inputs of potentially harmful bugs. The system will simultaneously be rejuvenated from within using organic inputs. No need to beef up the system, it can do just fine without it.

So let’s all celebrate the strength of character of the indomitable Nyssen, and the unfailing support of all those close by. The Nyssen 4.1 will go from strength to strength, mark my words.

From Steve

Steve, your a legend!!  Thanks!

Take care


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Author: Geoff Nyssen

As a cancer fighter, I inspire others towards empowerment, wellness and deliberate living.

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