Early Disease Progression

Onwards and Upwards No. 19

Hello my healing team,

I hope this update finds you well.

As you can imagine, the words “Early Disease Progression” are not the words I wanted to hear today. Disease progression bloody sucks, but for it to be “early”……geeze.  What a blow.  To keep it context, in October, I had 0.1% cancer cells in my bone marrow, February it was 0.8% and now it is 1.5%. That my friends is disease progression. It doesn’t sound a like a high number and the Nutty Professor says it is following the trend that stats says it will, but as I have iterated in the past, I really don’t like the prognosis associated with those stats.  If this trend continues, I will be back in hospital for another stem cell transplant quicker than you can say “rumplestiltskin” ten times.  The most distressing aspect of this all is that now I am heading into a space of uncertainty.  Control is being taken away again.

So what do I do now???

First, I need to stop and take a deep breath. Then;

  1. I need to cut out the white noise that invades my thoughts, the same white noise that brings with it anxiety and doubt.
  2. I need to focus and prioritise what is important.  Of course family and wellness comes first. I know what is important as they are imbedded in my goals.
  3. I need to strive to improve. By following my gut instincts and researching, I can learn and modify what I do with improved learning.
  4. I need to keep the door open for new people to enter, and with that, I need to be ready to change.  Change may bring the cure.

Overall, I just need to continue to be a good person.

Happy Friday.

Take care


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Author: Geoff Nyssen

As a cancer fighter, I inspire others towards empowerment, wellness and deliberate living.

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